2017 | A Year of Love

How can you even begin to describe a year that has brought so much joy to your soul?

In the last 12 months I've photographed 36 weddings, witnessed my two best friends marry one another, become an Aunty to the most beautiful girl in the world, backpacked across Europe for 2 months, moved into our own home and, most importantly, I married my best friend.

SO much love. SO much happiness. 

I love how much I loved this year. I've adored watching my amazing clients marry each other and start a family of their own. Their smiling faces warm my heart. They say that your wedding is going to be the 'happiest day of your life' but I disagree. Your wedding is the start of the happiest time of your life. Each day should get better and better and as you work out your flaws and strengths with each other as individuals and as a couple, you grow and grow until you have a created a team and a family, that supports, loves and trusts each other. 

I feel the same way about my business. My first year of running my own business was incredible yet tough but I treated it like I treat my marriage; with respect and love. As a result, my business has grown and so has my love for it. We have our hard days and sometimes I feel overworked and tired but like a relationship you work through it together and find a balance that brings out only the best in each other.

2017 has been a year of doing just that. Discovering my own strengths and weaknesses and seeing how I can move forward into a time of balance in 2018. I have so many wonderful weddings coming up in the new year and I can't wait to share all the love they will possess. It's going to be magical!

For now though, take a look at some of the wonderful moments I had the honour of capturing this year. These photos remind me of love and how beautiful its existence is. I dare you to try get through this post without smiling :) 

Happy New Year to you all,

Sam xx

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