Hello, I’m Sam!
I'm a proud queer bi-racial woman raising my beautiful daughter in the Inner West in Sydney. You’ll often find me drinking a coffee at my corner cafe or having a wine at my local theatre. I love being out in nature and living a simple but joyful life. I love to dance like an idiot and laugh loudly. I’m a goofball who is curious about all people and all things. I’m excited to see what adventures await me next.
I have been a photographer for 11 years and have captured magical moments between people from all walks of life.
In my work, I look for ‘the daisies’ - the beauty, pure joy, connection and cheerfulness in the everyday. I see the little creases around people’s eyes as they laugh, the nervous hand holding between a couple on their first date, the way a parent looks at their child as if there was nothing else in the world but the two of them.
I shoot in a joyful and journalistic way. I don't want to make things look natural, I want them to BE natural. I am driven by love, in what I do and in the love of others that I capture.
Love is fun, it is laughter, it is a partner's embrace, it is dancing on the bed in your underwear, it is having milk froth on your upper lip, it is lipstick stains on your cheek, it is your father’s face as he sees you on your wedding day, it is waking up in the arms of your lover; it is everything!